Specialized in Marine Surveyor, Ship Building & Ship Repair Management


Providing Services To The Local And International Marine Industry

We Are A Marine Company Based In Batam – Indonesia

That Offers A Wide Range Of Services To The Local And

International Marine Industry. Our Highly Qualified Staff

Makes PT.MSI An Excellent Choice For Shipowners And Shipbuilders

Who Need Assistance With New Construction Or Ship Modifications And

Available For All Kinds Maritime Project And Marine Service.

We Are Dedicated To Providing The Absolute Best Service To Our Clients'



Become A Maritime Surveyor Service Business With Full Integrity In High Business Competitiveness, Build A Network Of Cooperation In Providing The Solutions Needed To All Customers Within The Country And Abroad.

Classification Advisory

Project Management and Consultancy

Safety, Security and Quality Audit

Pre-purchase and Valuation survey

Damage Survey

Draft Survey,On Hire Bunker and Condition survey

Cargo Supervision


Continuously Delivery Company Value :

§Supplying Quality Survey Service To Our Costumer

§Constantly Achieving Survey Excellent

§Conducting Safe Survey And Environmentally Sustainable.

§Innovative And Results Oriented Team Inspired To Delivery Quality Service

"Building Our Bridge Towards Success"

I'm Specialized In Marine Surveyor, Inspection, Ship Building & Ship Repair Projects

Looking far ahead regarding the development of the maritime business sector, especially in the shipping and offshore industry sectors which continue to grow rapidly from year to year. With this, our company comes as a supporter to continuously provide services as an independent and reliable surveyor

Our unique inspection framework and platform enables our clients to view and understand the conditions and risks of their maritime investments better than ever, with greater visualization and clarity of critical data, enabling customers to make smarter decisions.

Our team of Surveyors is responsible for inspecting marine vessels, focusing on safety, quality, and ensuring the vessels meet industry standards and specification requirements. our company also conducts inspections to make repair recommendations and investigate accidents.

Based on the above, our company will continue to serve and will always be able to work together for all customers. Customer satisfaction and happiness is the key to our company’s success. so that our company will always synergize to build trust by providing high professional service and expertise from our team.

Taking Our Company Further